May 09
Wonderful days on Faial island with the private retreat. The places of power experienced in silence. Enjoying all the elements with rain, sun and ocean wind. And many wonderful conversations along the way. Thanks for being there.

May 02
The first 'Vacation time on Faial' was a great experience for the traveler. An offer of accommodation and visiting the most beautiful places on the island without a retreat program. This with beautiful weather, contact with the many animals on the island and experiencing the whale- and dolphin boattour.

March 15
We had a beautiful 1 - 1 retreat on São Miguel. 5 days on the road to show the island and let the participant feel what requires attention. Which brought flow and relief and insights to move forward with. Thank you.

February 06
How nice to be invited for a 1day retreat at Pico. A day with a silentwalk, meditations, swimming in the ocean and personal coaching at a beautiful spot at the island. If you like..you can book this 1dayretreat at different islands.
January 31
This year started with 2 private retreats at Faial. With the oceanwind to blow the head empty and the feet grounding on the volcanic soil. Nice to see and hear which practical exercises and insights are taken home so that they can continue on their path. Thanks for being here.
January 01
Feliz Ano Novo! A new year to experience beautiful retreat trips again. A number of private retreats have already been booked and there are also registrations for group retreats. I'm looking forward to it again! Also to welcome and meet you (again). Are you traveling with us?

November 08
The 5-day private retreat at Terceira turned out to be a good choice for the participant. She booked without expectations and dived in with her wish for these days. And what a lot it has brought her: rest, silence and awareness. She will take this, and the practical energetic exercises, with her to her life back home. Thank you were there.
September 23th
In this month of September, two retreats at São Miguel were experienced. Enjoying the late summer in nature. With the experience of the inner journey for everyone personal. Grateful for these wonderful weeks together,

August 31th
Private retreat for 2 sisters on Faial. It was wonderful how they enjoyed nature, the program offered and each other. Being able to support each other in following each their own path. Thank you for being there.
June 30th
São Miguel with a small group was beautiful. Deepening and enriching, many insights, intensive and light-hearted, joy and pleasure. Thank you for being there.
June 11
How nice it is to talk to some participants after a year who say they are still so happy with the insights the journey brought her and the practical exercises he still applies and give him peace of mind in daily life. That makes me happy :)
June 04
São Miguel experienced with a nice group of 5 participants, all with their own question for this week. To gain insights in silence and in conversation. And how beautiful it is to discover this all in the overwhelming spring green of this green island.
May 18
A beautiful sunny week on São Jorge. Walks swimming, dancing, crying laughing and enjoying with a group of 3 participants. And with the program offered, to (re)discover who you are to be able to continue on your path. With delicious meals made from local products. Thank you for being there.
April 12
Happy days spent together at the private retreat on Terceira. In addition to offering an insightful, personally appropriate program, there is also room for fun and conviviality.
March 06
Enjoying great green days on São Miguel with a small group.. and the participants went home grounded, with clarity and full of renewed energy.
February 21
The English private retreat at Faial was so nice. With the participants desire to recharge and regain balance and energy. With a program of meditations, energetic exercises and additional insightful conversations, in nature. With, regarding her wish, a horseriding at the end, which made her retreat complete.
January 20
Looking forward to the retreats in this new year. Happy with the bookinga already made. The first retreat will be in February!
November 20
Wonderful days, the private retreat at São Miguel. Going outside to see the highlights of the island and going inside to feel and discover yourself. Thank you for being here.
October 11
What do you take home of this retreat? Some answers of the participants: 'The nature and its silince', 'The grounding and knowing now how to do that." "The many insights I got about the question that I had for this retreat." "The fun, the conversations and the repectful contacts" "Being serious and also feeling pleasure and room for fun". Thank you all for these nice words.
October 01
Lovely people from different parts of the world. All with their own question and wish for this retreat. Wonderful days together where the highlight of São Miguel were visited. Where the clouds above the volcano craters sometimes obstructed the view, and where the flexibility of the participants meant that beautiful silent walks were made at lower power spots. And all with peace and relaxation in body and mind, thankfully ended the retreat. It was great to be together these days. Thank you.
September 10
A beautiful week we experienced together at Terceira. A private retreat with the discovery of the natural and cultural beauty of this island with our own car. Offering a program of meditations and practical energetic exercises to clarify the participants question for this week. In order to experience peace, in the here-and-now, and to be able to give this further attention at home. With momets of silence, nice conversations and a lot of fun. Thank you for being there.
August 11
Rediscovering your true nature on this nature-rich island, São Jorge. Walking together in silence and enjoying beautiful views over the breathtaking ocean along the way. It was lovely.
July 15
The first private retreat on Faial was delightful. 5 days with each other and also with enough moments for ourselves. 5 days in nature. 5 days in which, due to the offer and program adapted to the participant, the answer to the question submitted and her wish became clear and she went home again in her strength. Thank you for being there.
June 21
It was a beautiful week at the end of May in São Miguel with a group of 7, where routines and patterns were broken and beautiful views of awareness came. Thank you all for this nice energy
April 26
Insights give more views.

March 19
Back from a wonderful week in São Miguel, where 2 more participants joined at the last minute and we experienced this week with a complete group of 7. Feeling the island and feeling yourself (again) releases a lot and gives so many beautiful insights and flow of bodyenergy. We explored the island from 'our' house by bus, enjoyed everything that came on our path and enjoyed each other. Thank you for experiencing this journey. It was wonderful.
December 23
Feliz Natal! Feliz ano Novo.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
November 27
I just came back from a trip to São Miguel. So good to be there again after one and a half year. With beautiful people discovering the island and themselves by meditation and relaxation. Feeling their energy flow, just like the waterfalls, full of water because of so much rain. Als in this season its nice to be on the islands: peaceful, quietness and tranquility.
September 04
The next 3 weeks we are going to Pico and São Jorge. With small groups enjoying everything. Im looking forward to it!

August 11
Just finished the first retreat after one and a half year. Feeling happy to offer the program in the beautiful nature. Relaxing, enjoying..
May 15
Yes! We can travel again! The Islands coloured from orange to yellow. Want to go with us to the GREEN islands?
2021 February 02
Waiting for better times to come... If you want more information for your future trip ;), please contact me.
December 08
And so the weeks and months go by .... Hopefully we can travel again in the new year. Happy with the interest for and options people take for the retreats in 2021.
October 29
We had to and have to cancel all the retreats for this year. We stay home and look forward to the next year. Shall we fly and meet eachother then?
May 13
Oceansouvenirs ... When will we travel again? Till then we stay with beautiful memories ans nice souvenirs..
April 12
Staying home is the best for now... let your imagination flow..
March 3
Back from a beautiful journey with for every person a beautiful inner journey. All taking their own way, time and space. With a blue and sunny sky it was a wonderful time being in nature together.
2020 January 10
Wishing you a great New Year with a lot of beautiful moments, inspiration and positive energy! In May we have the next retreat. I am looking forward to meet you! :)
December 11
What a special retreat we had. And 'we' are 1 participant and me. A personal coachingtrip, in which the participant the retreat started with a personal question to get clarity in. With of course attention for the beautiful nature, the silence of this month on the island. Nature, silence, coaching, energetic treatments and her effort changed a lot. More connected with the feeling again, full of new creative ideas and ready to make nice changes when coming home. We are both happy. Grateful.
2019 November 18
Yess! In a few days I can put my feet on Azorean ground again. Feeling the energy, feeling grounded, feeling connected with pure nature. To have a nice retreat again. You still can join.
2019 November 15
Nothing stays the same.... so it is time for a new name! 'Azores Ocean Energy' = 'Azores Nature Retreats'. Welcome!
2019 October 23
How nice that after 4 retreats in Dutch this year, now, after April, in November its time to offer the retreat in English again! Grateful. If you want, of course you can join!
2019 May 8
After several trips in 2017 and 2018 in my native language, Dutch, with www.azorenbeleving.nl , this time, April 2019, was the first trip in English. A great experience to offer the program to an international group of people. Thank you for being with us.